Saturday, December 12, 2009

Catching Up...

Okay so my last post was all about how I was going to be better about posting things on here. Well...that didn't work out so well. As you can see I posted that 2 months ago...LOL So as I sit here & watch Blades of Glory with Tonie, as my husband sleeps on the couch beside me...I have a little bit of time to catch up.
The Holidays are approaching so fast! I took the little ones out shopping today, so they could choose gifts for one another. I think this is one of my favorite things to do during the Christmas Holiday. I love how excited they get about it & how hard they try to keep it hidden from one another. How tickled they are to use their "own" money. We held up the line in the dollar store for a bit since they each have to count out their own money to the cashier. It's so cute! We came home & spread everything out in the living room floor, popped in a xmas movie & they wrapped up all their goodies. Too much paper, tape & bows were used but thats what makes them the cutest gifts ever. And for the next 2 weeks they will show me every day which one is for me, I love it!!
As for myself, I still have so much to do. I think I will spend all day tomorrow getting caught up on my wrapping & find out what is left on my list to buy. I am looking forward to my parents coming up on Friday. They are staying with us for the whole Christmas break..the kids are thrilled! We are hosting the Christmas Eve open house here at our house & then everyone comes to our house for Christmas as well. I'll be cooking up a storm thats for sure!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I've been slacking I have been slacking big time on this blog, and I am going to attempt to keep up with it once again. When things happen I instantly start writing a blog about it in my The cute little things the kids do or say. Things we do as a family or with friends. I just never seem to catch a minute to sit down & put it in my blog here. Thats gonna change. The kids have all started school again, twins too. So I should be able to keep up with this least thats what I'm hoping.
A few random thoughts, The Redskins are sucking big time....once again. So our last few Sundays have been..listening to Robbie yell profanities at the television. Oh what the neighbors must The kids just laugh at that...I must say it's quite amusing when my husband develops terretts (spelled wrong I'm sure) on the Holiest day of the week. We are also on the search for Tonies i-pod. NICE! Lets see...cost $139 plus about $150 in music & movies that are downloaded on it. SO...I just gave her a lecture about that...which ended in a huge sigh & an eye roll....lovely. I promised her she will not be getting another she better find it!
What else....Robbie is sitting beside me on the floor...hiding from his sisters....he's trying to be quiet but he can't stop Oh he is the cutest little guy ever! Oh..& he just informed me that his feet stink...haha
I took the girls yesterday to get their nails done...they are so cute making conversation with the nail techs & choosing their finger & toe colors. They are so ~Sassy~!
Well, I guess thats it for now. I feel great that I hopped back on here & am going to try my hardest to type daily blogs...even if it's just about the weather!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The crazy world of T-Ball

So the kids decided....with the help of us....that they wanted to play t-ball. It is the funniest thing to watch! These little ones...trying to grasp the concept of baseball & at the same time all they are worried about is chasing the butterfly that just flew past or writing their name in the infield It is very amusing to say the least. Robbie & I are coaching the team "The Rays" which the kids were so excited about. We had a lot of fun when Tonie was younger & played. We coached her teams as well. It's a little different being on an actual Little League Team. They play a lot more games, which keeps us on the go all week long. These last couple games the kids are really starting to get the hang of it, getting quite competitive. They no longer want to just throw the ball to first base in hopes to score an out...they run the other teams batter Esp. Kamie & Robbie, they are on top of it! Kamie even makes a scary face at the poor runner... it almost looks like she will tackle the poor kids if that's what it takes to tag them I swear I heard a little growl out of her at our last game as she scored an out for our team. And little Robbie has discovered a love for sliding to home base. He scored our team 2 points on Saturday because of it...he was SO PROUD! Coach Dad gave him the game ball, which is a BIG deal to the kids. Allie has found her niche on the pitchers mound. It seems most balls hit go straight in that it's not that much effort to stop the ball & toss it to first. She is definitely a power hitter when she focuses on her batting. I really look forward to the kids growing up...staying very active in Baseball....that's my #1 sport interest. I find myself shouting a little loud sometimes (way over the other parents) for all our kids on the run here, or tag so & so's so much fun!! I love sports!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Re-arranging The Kids Rooms

So we have decided to switch around the kids rooms...quite the project!! We are moving the girls into Tonies' room (which is a bit bigger), Tonie into their old room, & moving little Robbies' furniture all around. Throwing out old furniture & toys...and making room for the new. I am very excited that we will be painting...although I have grown quite fond of the art work in red crayon that has decorated their walls the last few years. That was the product of having 3 toddlers in the house...all going through the terrible twos & threes. LOVELY! It is going to be a very long week or two. I am biting my lip already as I look around at all "the stuff" that will just be existing in the middle of the rooms while this renovation takes place. But, I know the ending result will be very much worth it. Now if I can just light a fire under my hubbys rear to help Lord knows he doesn't want me in charge of painting!